Category: RPG Tips

  • Reverse Railroading GM Technique

    Before we talk about reverse railroading we need to talk about what is railroading. Railroading is a commonly debated and somewhat controversial game-mastering method in the realm of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs). In this approach, the Game Master (GM) exerts a high degree of control over the game’s narrative, often guiding players along a predetermined…

  • Setting a Non-Combat Scenes in Your Roleplaying Game

    Setting a Non-Combat Scenes in Your Roleplaying Game

    How can you prevent your players from causing issues with the NPCs during Non-Combat Scene? This is a common concern among gamemasters. Players often tend to misbehave in these situations, such as when a mage conspicuously casts spells to impress a court wizard, a barbarian scratches or belches loudly, or a thief contemplates mischief in…

  • How to play an asshole and have the other players not hate you.

    The whole point of Role playing games is to play someone you are not. This is why a lot of people like to play Fighters or Wizards. Me I like to role-play asshole character, you know those people who you rather not spend any time with. The problem is that a lot of the players…

  • Obsidian RPG Notes

    Obsidian RPG Notes

    If you are like me you as a player or a GM like to take notes during a game. Or have one place on your phone, computer or Tablet to store all those images, character sheets and Sourcebook PDFs. Obsidian RPG notes is what you need. Notes for everything not just RPGs I use obsidian…

  • Hunter’s Mark Spell

    Hunter’s Mark Spell: Enhancing the Hunt in D&D In the vast and mystical realm of Dungeons & Dragons, where every adventure teems with challenges and creatures both magical and malevolent, the Hunter’s Mark spell stands out as a vital tool for the cunning hunter. Available to rangers, this 1st-level spell encapsulates the essence of focused…

  • Arcane Ward useful spell

    Gather ’round, brave adventurers, and let me regale you with the tale of a spell that has saved countless lives and turned the tides of battle: “Arcane Ward.” A magical marvel found within the tomes of level 2 spells, Arcane Ward is a potent shield that grants protection beyond armor and steel. When a mage…

  • New app for RPG equipment drawings

    New app for RPG equipment drawings

    While RPGs are theatre of the mind that does not mean we can’t give our minds a little help with images. After all the whole point of fantasy art is to expand the imagination. Some of us can draw, some of us can’t, some of us can draw but would rather be rolling dice. I…

  • Tabletop RPG Glossary

    Tabletop RPG Glossary 1. Game Master (GM): The person responsible for creating and running the game world, controlling non-player characters (NPCs), describing scenes, and guiding the players through the story. 2. Player Character (PC): A fictional character created and controlled by a player. PCs are the main protagonists of the story. 3. Non-Player Character (NPC):…

  • Social Benefits of RPG for Kids

    Social Benefits of RPG for Kids

    Tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System) offer a plethora of social benefits for young children that extend far beyond mere entertainment. These immersive and imaginative games provide a unique platform for fostering personal growth, enhancing social skills, and nurturing creativity. As young minds engage in…

  • Attack descriptions

    Attack descriptions

    Attack descriptions are fun but why do GMs discourage this? Player: Rolls a 20-sided die Not bad! Alright, so my character, Grimgar the Barbarian, hefts his massive greataxe and with a determined grunt, charges straight at the hulking orc. As he closes the distance, he swings his axe in a wide arc, aiming to catch…